
Used-Car Sale System

A specialized Web-site for selling used cars in a closed and open public auction targeting all sectors (stripe - personal consumer - companies). Easy to use and deal .. It also keeps pace with modern technological development in the mechanism of the car show and integrates in its marketing to publish company information and cars and details on the means Social Media.
Manufacturer: GenixOM
SKU: Car_0101
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The sales mechanism provided by the system:
The auction sell on various methodologies that bring in the largest segment of interested in buying used cars:

Closed Auction:

According to the general settings of this system, the date for opening and closing the auction is determined every week or month

Show cars to sell with all their details with secret competition between bidders, provided that the highest price for the authority authorized to sell cars is displayed at the close of the auction.
The decision to sell is made according to limitations, the authorized to sell can make a sound and clear decision

Open Auction:
Cars are placed in a public auction to be sold with open price competition for bidders .. provided that the minimum bid is placed on each car so that the minimum is set according to the company’s standards which it is subject to the company’s policy such as the market value of the car with the depreciation value .. etc.

Direct sale:
This mechanism is subject to setting the required price for each car, provided that the buyer requests it from the site, and the sale and completion of the sale is done in the internal system

Sale of lease:
This mechanism serves the long-term tenants segment, so that the tenant submits a request to purchase the car, as it is evaluated by a commission empowered to sell.
